Arthan, Amani Institute and The International Innovation Corps are gearing up for the third edition of Demystifying Social Impact Careers (DSIC) on February 21, 2020, at ISDI - School of Design & Innovation in Mumbai. The event, supported by the Ford Foundation, will be packed with carefully curated and insightful sessions to help demystify careers in the impact sector and challenge the myths surrounding impact careers.
Thought leaders and practitioners in the social impact sector will come together to discuss career options, leadership skills and human capital opportunities. Speakers include Deval Sanghavi (Dasra), Luis Miranda (CCS), Amit Chandra (Bain Capital), Chetna Sinha (Mann Deshi), Sharon Buteau (LEAD at Krea University), Gaurav Gupta (Dalberg) and others. The conference allows for interaction and networking opportunities with leaders in the social impact sector and showcases the range of exciting and promising opportunities that provide something over and beyond a job - making a living while making a difference.