Native brands to Super Brands webinar -
how can regional brands scale ?
If you own an SME brand or business don’t miss this one out !
Most of the SME businesses are regional native brands which are family managed or promoter managed and stay that way.
Very few brands break those shackles and move upto becoming professionally run business families.
The team having worked for over 2 decades with Native brands have identified a framework and model for success and business transformation to become professional. This is a 6 step approach to transformation that can -
1. Make your business and brand stronger
2. Create value and valuation
3. Increase market size and sales
4. Attract professional talent to the team
This framework and learning is brought as a live webinar to you in association with Retailers Association of India.
As a prelude the webinar we are having the success secrets of Native brand owners like -
1. Nalli
2. Ramraj cotton
3. Idhayam
4. LKS
5. Basics
6. Sangeetha
7. Manna foods
The webinar is on 10th and 11th July , 3 pm to 6 pm. Incase you are missing any modules recorded access will be given in a weeks time.